
Tim Berlin, President

It was during a revival meeting with evangelist Tom Farrell that Pastor Berlin realized his sin would eternally separate him from God, and he accepted Christ as his Savior at age 8. Growing up in Michigan, Pastor Berlin graduated from Juniata Christian School in 1987. He received his bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and Bible from Maranatha Baptist Bible College in 1991 and his master’s degree in Ministry from Northland Baptist Bible College in 2003.

He served as a youth pastor for 14 years and has been a senior pastor for the past 13 years. Even as a senior pastor, he continues to be involved with teenagers through our Christian school as a coach, and one of their biggest fans at games, programs, and any other chance he gets.

Tim serves on a number of boards and organizations including: The Michigan Pastor’s Network, Michigan Association of Christian Schools, The Independent Fundamental Baptist Fellowship of Michigan, Michigan Association of Christian Schools, Advance USA, and Baptist World Mission.

Pastor Berlin and his wife, Michelle, have four sons, one daughter-in-law, (Nathan & Taylor, Stephen, Andrew, and Jonathan) and a granddaughter, Juliet. When he’s not at church, Pastor Berlin likes to get outside. Whether it’s golfing, fishing, hunting, or camping in the woods, he enjoys it all—especially if it’s with his family.

Chris Yager, Vice President

It was June of 1984 that Pastor Chris received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Growing up in a Christian home, he was faithfully taught the Word of God. Just before his sixteenth birthday, Pastor Chris felt God’s call upon his life for full time ministry. After much prayer, he surrendered to preach in August of 1991 here at Cornerstone Baptist.

To further his training in the Word of God, he enrolled in Pensacola Christian College. While in College, Pastor Chris was active interning in a local church in Cantonment Florida, as well as doing a summer internship Immanuel Baptist of Corunna, MI. Upon graduation from PCC with Bachelors in Bible and Minor in Greek, he then served as youth pastor of Immanuel of Corunna for four years.

In 2000, Pastor Chris felt the Lord’s leadership to plant a church in the Albany, NY area. In 2001, Heritage Baptist Church was born. By God’s grace, Heritage grew into a successful and dynamic church, but the Lord would see fit to make a great change in Pastor Chris’ life.

In 2010, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Pastor Chris’ childhood church, called him home to be their Senior Pastor. God has richly blessed that decision by doing a great work in his life, as well as in the life of the church.

James Brabson, Secretary/Treasurer

Upon graduation from Bible College, Pastor James Brabson served in youth ministry for nine years in both Minnesota and Michigan. Having served the Millersburg/Onaway/Rogers City area since 2004, James has been able to develop many relationships within these communities and with some of the leaders within the state. Over the last 6 years, Pastor James has been the lead pastor at North Country.

An avid hunter and Chicago sports fan, Pastor James enjoys spending time with his family and the church here at North Country. Because of their background in youth ministry, the Brabson’s see the need for God-honoring families and desire to encourage both young and old families to glorify God through their homes. Besides the home, Pastor emphasizes expositional preaching as the foundation for the corporate worship gathering. God has graciously given Pastor James and his wife Bonnie four boys: Josiah, Ben, Jonas, and Clayton.

Pastor James sits on a couple of boards and organizations including: The Michigan Pastor’s Network, the Executive Leadership Team for Michigan’s Great Start Collaborative of the Cheboygan, Otsego, and Presque Isle Counties, as well as, serves on the advisory board for Camp CanaanLand in Michigan.